Black Ivy - A Revolt in Style

January 08, 2024

Black Ivy - A Revolt in Style

It’s a  year since "Black Ivy - A Revolt in Style" hit the shelves of discerning bookstores. You might therefore think we’re late to the party. We’re not. Of course as fans of Ivy Style we had our hands on this epoch defining book since the get go. 

We have picked up the book at least once a month, Jazz on the turntable and penny loafers polished. If you are less familiar with "Ivy Style" a basic definition would be a style worn by students of the Ivy League Colleges of America the big 8 include  Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania ("Penn"), and Yale University. The heyday of this being between 1950-67.Taking its origins from British and Continental tailoring adapted in the US, a typical ivy wardrobe might include a button down shirt, jeans or chinos and a undated, patch pocket 3/2 roll sports jacket for campus. 

First studied in depth by Teruyoshi. Hayashida in 1965 with his now cult book “Take Ivy”.  Black Ivy however is broader, encompassing the Civil Rights Movement, Artists and Jazz Musicians. Marsh and Jules take the reader on a journey through music, politics and style. It also talks in depth about the importance of Denim, not just the Levi’s 501 but the bib and brace and overall jackets worn by the Black Panther movement and Martin Luther King Jr, reappropriating the clothing worn by their forbearers in an act of protest to reach out to the black working public for Civil Rights Movement. This book is not just a photography book it’s a reference to a period in time where Black Culture took centre stage.

Jason Jules and Graham Marsh independently are Britains Ivy Menswear authority. The authors of the Real Art Press book have long supported Dawson, and we’re proud to have our brand worn by both. We were touched and honoured to have been mentioned in the thank you notes.

Jason Jules in Dawson for Men
Graham Marsh in Dawson Chinos

For further reading on this subject check out :

Take Ivy

Jazz Festival

Hollywood and the Ivy Look

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